
Startup Advisory


Our experts are ready to advise on any subject, we have industry’s best online business experts with minimum a decade experience –

To determine your website objectives. It is either to enhance your “physical-world” business or build a better customer-support through a site or increase sales. Alternatively, the objective may be a different one which will be determined with your particular needs in mind.

To create your website strategies. Once the goal is established, our specialists will help you to identify strategies to support that goal.

To work out your website structure. This is highly important that there is a coherent website structure which is user-friendly and easy to use. Our specialists are always here to assist you in building the right website structure for your site.

To work out your website backend functionality. The eCommerce backend functionality can be anything from very simple to an advanced solution. We will help you to determine the right backend solution based on your website objectives and strategies

eCommerce Advisory


We deliver start to end commerce solutions. 

We are team of eCommerce consultants. Our consultants are highly experienced for every area of business operations from beginning the planning till the launch. OEI has built reputation by providing full range of eCommerce consultancy and delivery solutions to companies in new start-up, retail, corporate, manufacturing, finance plus retailer and distributors. 

We have our eye balls across the globe with presence in India & US with experience of consulting numerous projects,  We work with our clients to drive growth and innovation through best use of omni-channel platforms.

Our professional executive consultants are experienced for every areas of business, beginning from idea generation, business planning, technology development, business operations, and unbeatable marketing strategy.

Strategy & Operations Advisory


One of the key challenges facing organisations today is to create business capabilities that meet and exceed the emerging requirements within the market. 

Understanding the future basis of competition and customer requirements creates the need and opportunity to re-invent business processes to manage risk, increase revenues and control costs.

What differentiates us?

Our Business Process Improvement (BPI) framework synthesizes our specialization in Performance Improvement Methods, Leading Practice Service Offerings and Industry Benchmarks and Trends 

Being modular, BPI is scalable to a degree of change desired - from incremental to transformational 

Our tools and approaches strive to provide immediate results but also help institutions make the enterprise-wide changes to compete and succeed in the future. This involves implementing changes in the operations value chain with measurable results that can be replicated across the organization.

Software Development


We have a decade of experience in successfully developing across various domains a complex softwares systems in a range of technologies. We have been working with many customers to help them design and develop the best in class software systems in different industry verticals like E-commerce, BFSI, FMCG, Retail, NBFC, Power,  Telecom, Entertainment & Media, Manufacturing, Automobiles, BPO/KPO, Insurance, Transport & Warehouse Management and Technical Help desks. Customers across industry domains have realised that software systems and products are getting increasingly complex due to speed of technology changes, vast amount of domain knowledge and regulations, ease of use and flexibility required by users that make underlying components complex, need for newer and richer functionality necessitated by market forces and competition, increasing volume of data and user load. Therefore, it becomes even more critical that the software vendor has the right expertise and processes to be successful in building their systems.

ERP Advisory


To achieve the desired return on investment, organisations should consider implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution such as MS Dynamics or Oracle or Open Source ERP that helps integrate and streamline business processes and associated technology tracks. This helps organisations realise potential process and control efficiencies, cost reductions, and effective risk and compliance management. 

Therefore, to realise business value, improve performance, and maintain compliance under the post-Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II, Clause 49 and other regulatory mandates, organisations need to align MS Dynamics or Oracle functionalities with their business goals. 

However, implementing or upgrading the MS Dynamics or Oracle applications not only involve huge financial investment but also require significant efforts that begin with strategic planning, extend into implementation and goes well beyond.

We can help our clients navigate through the implementation stages of MS Dynamics or Oracle from conceptualisation through implementation and post implementation support.

Business Excellence Advisory


 Our services focus primarily on assisting companies in achieving corporate excellence by helping ensure that not only the customer requirements are met with the highest quality but also that the business is adapting and improving faster than the competition.  

Scoping: We provide assistance to small, medium and large software organisations with the requisite sizing of the opted models for process improvement.

Harmonisation: We align the process improvement initiatives of our clients with the available and evolving international standards. Business value is realised by aligning your process improvement initiatives to business goals.

Context Specific Appraisals: We believe and practice the context specific appraisals that are an independent view of your business environment and provide enhanced value to improve upon further.

People Dimension: We believe in the maxim that it is people who instantiate the processes to effectuate the products.

Information Technology Advisory


 In today’s environment, Information Technology is a key enabler to realize business objectives.  An effective and well-managed IT can bring a competitive advantage.

However, it is critical to foster that ‘right-fit’ Information Technology is implemented and is appropriately managed and governed.  IT is challenging to get right and expensive to get wrong — not only in terms of money spent, but also in lost efficiency and potential regulatory infringements.  We bring together skills and experience to assist you in realising these business objectives.

Digital Transformation and Innovation


Rapid change, technological disruption, unexpected competition. Join us to explore how you can turn threats into opportunities. Unlock innovation and reshape the future of your organisation.

Social Media Management


Social media management is the process of creating, scheduling, analyzing, and engaging with content posted on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. ... Even if your time is limited, social media management tools and services can make your social media presence a priority. Reach us out, we have advisors awaiting to help you.